Patient Visit Tracker FAQ

What is this app for and why do I need it?

This app helps nephrologists maximize the 4 visits for dialysis patients. This will help the nephrologists to achieve the 4 visits for the monthly MCP and increase their revenue.

How does this all work?

After obtaining a Login ID and Password you will need to enter some information into the App. You will need to enter the names of the dialysis centers where you see patients. Then you will enter the patient names and date of birth. Then, the day and shift for each patient. (For example: M-W-F second shift etc.) Lastly, you will enter the access type for each patient. (Optional).

That’s it!! You are ready to make your life easier and increase your revenue!! You can now share this data with your colleagues and billing department.

What steps do I need to take?

After you download the app you will need to obtain a username and password by clicking on the CONTACT US screen.

Setup your account:

1. Once you have your Login ID and password, go to “” and click “Login” on the top right. Once you are in the Dashboard, click on “System” on the left side. Then click on “Dialysis Centers.” Once inside, click on “New Location” on top (in green). Enter the name of the dialysis center, pick your company under “Client” and for Publish click “Yes”. Repeat these steps for all the dialysis centers you attend.

2. Now, go to “Shift Timings” on the left. Enter “New Shift Timings” (green button on top). SHIFT TIMINGS - type in “MWF1” or “TTS3” etc. LOCATION NAME - Pick the Dialysis Center you are entering shift timing for. PUBLISH - click “Yes.”

3. Now, open the Dialysis Visit Tracker app on your phone and Log In. Now click on “Add Patient.” Here, type in the patient’s information. Make sure you spell the patient’s name correctly and place the last name and first name in the appropriate box, as this cannot be changed later. Select their dialysis center, dialysis type, dialysis access, and finally shift timing. Hit “Submit.” You have successfully entered a patient! If you need help with entering large amounts of patient data, we can assist with this for a small fee.

How do I round with this app?

As you (or your colleagues) see patients at the dialysis centers, you will place a checkmark next to the name of the patients you have seen and click "SUBMIT". You can also select the entire shift and omit any patients absent and click “SUBMIT”. Now the data has been entered into the database and will be shared with your colleagues. As the month continues you will be able to immediately know how many rounding visits the patients have had for that month. Then during the third or fourth week of the month, it will be possible to see which patients need additional visits to reach a total of 4 visits for the month.

To do so, in the App, go to “In Center Attendance”. Select your dialysis center, select your shift, and hit “Search.” Either select individual patients on that shift, or select the entire shift and omit anyone absent. Then click submit. The App will update the number of visits. The app will also store the name of the user who performed the visit.

How do I collaborate with my colleagues?

Go to “” and click “Login” on the top right. Go to “System” and then “Users”. Click on “Add User” (green button) and follow the prompts. Now the new user you created will have access to all your databases and can help you round on the patients. Alternatively, on the CONTACT US screen, let us know what the usernames and passwords will be for your colleagues and we will link your accounts.

What if I need to delete a patient?

Inevitably, some patients on dialysis pass away or obtain a kidney transplant. In that case, open the app on your phone, hit menu button on the top left, hit search patient, enter the patient’s name, and click search. Once you locate your patient, hit the edit button (little pencil), then scroll to the bottom and click “Deactive.” You may optionally give a reason as well. Click Submit.

What if a patient switched shifts, or switched dialysis centers?

All of these changes can be made in the edit function for each patient, as above.

How do I improve access care, i.e. remove catheters?

Many patients have only catheters, or catheter and fistula/graft. It would be better for the patient to remove the catheters. There is access report available from the report section in the app, and you can easily identify the catheter patients. Simply on menu, and go to “Access Report.”

How do I create monthly visit reports? Go to “” and click “Login” on the top right. Go to Reports, select “Visit Report”. Enter the appropriate fields, and hit submit. You will be able to export to a PDF or EXCEL File for your billing department.

How do I link up with an access center and get their help with problematic accesses?

Once we link the access center account with your company’s database, you can simply SWIPE LEFT as you are rounding on your patients. This will bring up an “Evaluation Required” box. Type in the problem with the access, etc. The access center staff can then periodically run an “Evaluation Required” report and call in the patient’s whose access require evaluation. Stream-lined 21st Century Care!